Authors Mari K. Niemi and Annu Perälä

New Nordicom Review article: Asylum Seekers Arrived, Elites Occupied the Air

 | 3 september 2018
A new Nordicom Review article is published (online first), titled Asylum Seekers Arrived, Elites Occupied the Air: Topics and Interviewees in YLE’s Magazine Programmes During the “Asylum Seeker Crisis". We spoke to the authors Annu Perälä and Mari K. Niemi.

In short, what is your article about? 

Our article is about scrutinising, who gets their voice heard in the news media, and how national broadcasting company succeeds in their task to include also minority voices to public debates. 

What has been your most important findings?

Unfortunately our findings are not encouraging - discussion remains elite-driven while minorities and women continue to be underrepresented. Interestingly, unlike before, politicians took an active role in debate around migration and refugees.

Was there any of the results that surprised you – how/in what way?

Elitedrivenness of the debate was somewhat challenged by the strong role played by the Finns Party's representatives. Unusual circumstances contributed to the fact that first term parliamentarians were able to gain wide visibility and strong role in framing the issue. 

Mia Jonsson Lindell

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