Nordicom Information 36 (2) 2014. Defending Democracy

Nordic and Global Diversities in Media and Journalism

Ulla Carlsson


This issue is identical to Nordicom Review 35 (Special Issue) 2014. You can read it online at Sciendo.
Go to Nordicom Review 35 (Special Issue) 2014 at Sciendo


The 2013 NordMedia conference in Oslo marked the 40 years that had passed since the very first Nordic media conference. To acknowledge this 40-year anniversary, it made sense to have a conference theme that dealt with a major and important topic: Defending Democracy. Nordic and Global Diversities in Media and Journalism. Focusing on the relationship between journalism, other media practices and democracy, the plenary sessions raised questions such as:

  • What roles do media and journalism play in democratization processes and what roles should they play?
  • How does the increasingly complex and omnipresent media field affect conditions for freedom of speech?

This special issue contains the keynote speeches of Natalie Fenton, Stephen Ward and Ib Bondebjerg. A number of the conference papers have been revised and edited to become articles. Together, the articles presented should give the reader an idea of the breadth and depth of current Nordic scholarship in the area.



Ulla Carlsson

40 Years of Nordic Media Research. Introduction
Harald Hornmoen, Kristin Skare Orgeret

Plenar sessions

The Significance of Nordicom and the NordMedia Conference to Nordic Media and Communication Research.
Festive Tributes by:
Kaarle Nordenstreng
Kirsten Frandsen
Rune Ottosen


Keynote Speeches

Defending Whose Democracy? Media Freedom and Media Power
Natalie Fenton

Radical Media Ethics. Responding to a Revolution
Stephen J.A. Ward

Cosmopolitan Narratives. Documentary and the Global ‘Other’
Ib Bondebjerg


Articles (revised papers)


Perspectives on Journalism

Credibility and the Media as a Political Institution
Mark Blach-Ørsten, Rasmus Burkal

Socializing Journalist Trainees in the Newsroom. On How to Capture the Intangible Parts of the Process
Gitte Gravengaard, Lene Rimestad

Stability in Times of Change. Trends in Newspaper Executives’ Attitudes towards Digital Media
Arne H. Krumsvik


Media Influence and Influencing the Media

Strong and Weak Forms of Mediatization Theory. A Critical Review
Marko Ampuja, Juha Koivisto, Esa Väliverronen

Talking Green in the Public Sphere. Press Releases, Corporate Voices and the Environment
Alon Lischinsky, Annika Egan Sjölander

Migration between Politics, Journalism and PR. New Conditions for Power, Citizenship and Democracy?
Göran Palm, Håkan Sandström

Norwegian Media and the Cold War 1945-1991
Henrik G. Bastiansen

Celebrification, Authenticity, Gossip. The Celebrity Humanitarian
Anne Jerslev


Cooperation, Experiences and Memory in Digital Communities and Formats

The Anyone-Can-Edit Syndrome. Intercreation Stories of Three Featured Articles on Wikipedia
Maria Mattus

A Quest for Communitas. Rethinking Mediated Memory Existentially
Amanda Lagerkvist

Talking Tacitly. Activities and Experiences in Higly Interactive Media
Rikke Toft Nørgård

Worlds at Play. Space and Player Experience in Fantasy Computer Games
Claus Toft-Nielsen

Surrounded by Ear Candy? The Use of Surround Sound in Oscar-nominated Movies 2000-2012
Svein Høier



NordMedia. A Vital Venue, Then as Now. Reflections on Media Research 1973-2013
Ulla Carlsson

Fortysome Worries
Elisabeth Eide


The Authors

Division Papers

