Nordicom Information 32 (2-3) 2010
Ulla Carlsson
Body, Soul and Society. Rethinking Media and Communication Ontologies
Miyase Christensen, André Jansson
Plenary Session I. Where is Liberation in Contemporary Media Culture?
Mission Impossible? Neoliberal Subjects and Empowerment
Mikko Lehtonen
Utopia and Torture in the Hollywood War Film
Rikke Schubart
Body and Soul. Notes on Challenges to Freedom
Sverker Sörlin
Plenary Session IIA. What is a Healthy Soul in A Healthy Body? Ethics, Aesthetics and Sustainability in Media Society
The Body as Design Project in an‘Order of Pure Decision’. Transformable Bodies in Makeover Shows and Steven Meisel’s Fashion Photography
Anne Jerslev
The Face of Health . Makeover Culture and New Body Ideals
Thomas Johansson
Better (Red)™ Than Dead? Celebrities, Consumption and International Aid
Lisa Ann Richey, Stefano Ponte
Plenary Session IIB. “DigIT or Not”: Are We Addicted to the Media?
Online among Us. Experiences of Virtuality in Everyday Life
Kaarina Nikunen
Experimenting with New Media for Journalism
Lars Nyre
From the Ecology of Broadcasting to the Ecology of Participation. Critical Reflections
Tobias Olsson
Plenary Session III. New Dynamics in Online Social Networking: Revisiting Communication, Consumption and Division of Labour
The Embodied Self in a Digital Age. Possibilities, Risks, and Prospects for a Pluralistic (democratic/liberal) Future?
Charles Ess
The Precarious Citizen. Control and Value in the Digital Age
Katharine Sarikakis
The Authors
Appeal August 15, 2009 on the release of Dawit Isaak
Working Group Papers