Nordicom Information 30 (4) 2008

NordMedia 2007

Ulla Carlsson


Innehåll Content

Ulla Carlsson

Generations, Communication and Media Philosophy.
Irma Kaarina Halonen


Plenary Session I. Global, Hybrid or Multiple? Media Flows and Identities in the Age of Satellite TV and the Internet

Global, Hybrid or Multiple? Cultural Identities in the Age of Satellite TV and the Internet
Joseph D. Straubhaar

From International Communication to Global Media Studies. What Next?
Terhi Rantanen

Exploring Cultural Globalisation. New Forms of Experience and Citizen-driven Change Processes
Thomas Tufte


Panel Discussion I. Quo vadis media? Media Economy and Democracy

Anu Kantola

Research on Media and Democracy. Reflections on Changes and Challenges
Mats Ekström

Images, Identity and Security. Bringing Together International Politics and Media Research
Lene Hansen

Backstage Report: Research Strategies and Field Observations. An Extended Reflection on the Media Research in the Norwegian Power and Democracy Programs
Tore Slaatta


Panel Discussion II. Quo vadis media? Culture and Media Technology

Susanna Paasonen

The Internet and Differentiation in the Political Public Sphere
Terje Rasmussen

Understanding and Studying Internet Culture(s). Hybridity and Interdisciplinarity
Malin Sveningsson Elm


Plenary Session II. Pragmatist Media Philosophy in Action: The Nomad Academy

Media and Knowledge. Some Pragmatist Remarks about Media Philosophy within and beyond the Limits of Epistemology
Mike Sandbothe


Articles (revised papers)

The Mediatization of Society. A Theory of the Media as Agents of Social and Cultural Change
Stig Hjarvard

The New Wave of Pragmatism in Communication Studies
Mats Bergman

The Archived Website and Website Philology. A New Type of Historical Document?
Niels Brügger

Professor Nukem. Communicating Research in the Age of the Experience Economy
Kjetil Sandvik, Anne Mette Thorhauge

Youth as Producers. Digital Stories of Faith and Life
Birgit Hertzberg Kaare

Rethinking Cyberreligion? Teens, Religion and the Internet in Sweden
Mia Lövheim

Regaining Impact. Media Education and Media Literacy in a Norwegian Context
Øystein Gilje, Ola Erstad

When will the Daybreak Come? Popular Music and Political Processes in Ethiopia
Kristin Skare Orgeret

Shame: Ingmar Bergman’s Vietnam War
Erik Hedling

Popular Cultural Memory. Comics, Communities and Context Knowledge
Karin Kukkonen

Overview of Nordic Media Research on Immigration and Ethnic Relations. From Text Analysis to the Study of Production, Use and Reception
Karina Horsti

The Othering of Islam in a European Context. Polarizing Discourses in Swedish-Language Dailies in Finland
Karin Creutz-Kämppi

Watching Politics. The Representation of Politics in Primetime Television Drama
Audun Engelstad

End-game Strategies in the Swedish National Tabloid Industry
Karl Erik Gustafsson

The Visual Form of Estonian Newspapers from 1806 to 1940 and the Appearance Spiral Model
Roosmarii Kurvits

The Authors

Working Groups

Working Group Papers
