Nordicom Information 26 (2) 2004

Specialutgåva: 16:e Nordiska Konferensen för Medie- och Kommunikationsforskning

Ulla Carlsson



Ulla Carlsson

First We Take Manhattan! The 16th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research
Arild Fetveit

Movie Rhetoric and International Politics
Astrid Söderbergh Widding

Fiction or News? A Quest for Multidisciplinary Research on the Entertainment Industry and Its Effect on Journalism
Rune Ottosen

Nostalgia for a Digital Object. Regrets on the Quickening of QuickTime
Vivian Sobchack

What’s the Point of an Index? or, Faking Photographs
Tom Gunning

Comments on Vivian Sobchack’s and Tom Gunning’s presentations
Arild Fetveit

Comments on Tom Gunning’s and Vivian Sobchack’s presentations
Karin Becker

Estetikens fakta och journalismens fiktioner. Mediernas logik i globaliseringens tid
Stefan Jonsson

Comments on Stefan Jonsson’s presentation
Hilde Arntsen

Globaliseringen af sproget. Om mediernes rolle i udbredelsen af engelsk og fremkomsten af medialekter
Stig Hjarvard

Comments on Stig Hjarvard’s presentation
Ullamaija Kivikuru

Rhetoric in Media Studies. The Voice of Constructive Criticism
Christian Kock

A Counter-Statement to Depoliticizations. Mediation and Simulational Politics
Barry Brummett


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