Media Innovations

A Multidisciplinary Study of Change

Arne H. Krumsvik, Tanja Storsul (red.)
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Innovation is about change, and media products and services are changing. The processes of production and distribution of media are changing. The ownership and financing of media are changing. The roles of users are changing. And our ideas about media are changing.

This book argues that innovation theory provides better tools for media researchers who wish to understand and explain current developments in the media landscape – tools that not only allow them to see completely new things, but also to investigate aspects of new media that would otherwise not be as accessible.

The various chapters of the book present selected studies that together illustrate how a more explicit focus on innovation and innovation theory can provide new insights into and generates knowledge about how media innovations develop, the sociocultural conditions of such innovations, the role of technology, and power relations in media developments.

Media Innovations. A Multidisciplinary Study of Change is out of print but is available as a free PDF.



Innovation, Technology and Organisational Change: Legacy Media’s Big Challenges: An Introduction
Lucy Küng

What is Media Innovation?
Tanja Storsul, Arne H. Krumsvik

I. Concepts

Opening the Black Box: The Conceptualising of Media Innovation
Leyla Dogruel

Balancing the Bias: The Need for Counter-Discursive Perspectives in Media Innovation Research
Steen Steensen

Topics of Innovation: Towards a Method of Invention and Innovation in Digital Media Design
Gunnar Liestøl

II. Structure and Management

Adapting to the Brave New World: Innovative Organisational Strategies for Media Companies
Sabine Baumann

Size, Ownership and Innovation in Newspapers
Arne H. Krumsvik, Eli Skogerbo, Tanja Storsul

Innovation in the Use of Digital Infrastructures: TV Scheduling Strategies and Reflections on Public Policy
Gillian Doyle

Innovation in Small Regions’ Media Sectors: Assessing the Impact of Policy in Flanders
Sven Lindmark, Heritiana Ranaivoson, Karen Donders, Pieter Ballon

Privacy in Practice: The Regulation of Personal Data in Denmark and its Implications for New Media Innovation
Stine Lomborg, Rasmus Helles

III. Services and Users

Measuring Innovation. Successes and Failures in a Newspaper Market
Piet Bakker

Audience Value and Transmedia Products
Charles H. Davis

Innovation in TV Advertising in Flanders
Iris Jennes, Jo Pierson

Between Reactivity and Reactivation: User-generated News Photo Agencies, New Practices and Traditional Processes
Jérémie Nicey

Small Pieces in a Social Innovation Puzzle? Exploring the Motivations of Minority Language Users in Social Media
Niamh Ní Bhroin

Historiographic Innovation: How the Past Explains the Future of Social Media Services
Jeremy Shtern, Daniel J. Paré, Philippe Ross, Michael Dick

Innovation and the Genre-Platform Model
Kjartan Müller

The Authors

Cover of Media Innovations


Antal sidor: 280
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