Implications of the Sacred in (Post)Modern Media
The news media report global conflicts related to religion. New expressions of religiosity and spirituality appear in popular media culture. The relation-ship between media and the sacred has become an inevitable topic.This book offers new and fresh perspectives on the media, the sacred and religion. It has a Nordic voice. This means that it focuses on empirical data collected from the Nordic countries. Most of the authors are from the Nordic region, critical views from other corners of the world are brought in as well.This book creates a platform for a genuinely multidimensional and cross-disciplinary discussion on the subject of the media, the sacred and religion in the context of (post)modern media.
I. Studying Media and the Sacred
Implications of the Sacred in Media Studies
Johanna Sumiala-Seppänen
The Self as a Sacred Object in Media
Eric W. Rothenbuhler
Contested Communication. Mediating the Sacred
Knut Lundby
News of the Unholy. Constructing Religion as a Social Problem in the News Media
Titus Hjelm
II. Implication of the Sacred in History and News
The Tsunami of the Media. The Structural Coupling between Mass Media and Religion
Lars Qvortrup
God, Crown and Mammon. The Public Sphere and Transforming Alliances and Balances of Power
Raimo Salokangas
Religion in the Newsrooms. Policies and Attitudes of Danish Editors and Journalists
Tim Jensen
Dangerous Metaphors. The Media Coverage of the American Crusade
Matteo Stocchetti, Lars Lundsten
III The Sacred and (Post)Modern Media Culture
Sacred Scenarios and Digital Narratives
Larry Friedlander
As It Is in Heaven. Dionysian Ritual on the Big Screen
Anita Hammer
Sacred Film
Jolyon Mitchell
Seek and You Will Find. A Critical Discussion of the Search for “Christian” Content in Popular Culture
Andreas Häger
Harry Potter and Religious Mediatization
Jeanette Sky
A Space Set Apart? Young People Exploring the Sacred on the Internet
Mia Lövheim
The Authors