Category: Sweden

Woman reading on her phone in front of a newspaper on a desk.
New publication |

Morning newspaper subscribers in focus in new report

A new report from Nordicom maps out which groups in Sweden have access to digital morning newspapers and identifies significant differences based on socioeconomic and demographic factors.
Pile of newspaper with blue background
Press release |

Media market concentration increases in Sweden

Over the past decade, the number of owners of Swedish news media has declined. This is highlighted in the new report, Koncentrerad mångfald i global konkurrens [Concentrated Diversity in Global Competition], written by Tobias Lindberg, media researcher at Nordicom, University of Gothenburg. The trend toward fewer owners has been driven by various deregulations, economic downturns, and new market dynamics.
Person with phone, laptop and a newspaper
New publication |

Pioneering and polarizing: New book gives insight to Mittmedia’s digital transformation

During the 2010s, Mittmedia underwent an extensive digital transformation. In the book Mittmedias vägval: Radikal innovationskultur möter traditionstyngd koncern [Mittmedia's Choices: Radical Innovation Culture Meets Tradition-Bound Corporation], published by Nordicom, the challenges the company faced in trying to replace printed newspapers with digital products are explored. The authors highlight how the centralisation of operations, among other initiatives, impacted both the quality of journalism and the working conditions for employees.
Woman reading a newspaper
Press release |

Swedes' media use remains at a record high

The high media consumption of the pandemic remained in 2023. At the same time, rising prices and an uneasy security political situation left their mark on media use, shows the 2023 Media Barometer from Nordicom at the University of Gothenburg. Public service news continued to be most popular.
The Media Barometer 2023, cover.
The Media Barometer |

Moving images and social networks most popular – this is how the Swedish population used media in 2023

Digital transformation continues to shape the way we watch, listen, and read. Streaming television services and social networks dominate media consumption. The Swedish Media Barometer 2023 sheds light on media use in the Swedish population aged 9–85 years old on an average day in 2023. The results of the survey are summarised here.
Blue background with man using a laptop. Pink text: Mediebarometern 2023
The Media Barometer |

Save the date 14/5: Webinar about the Swedish Media Barometer 2023

On 14 May 2024, Nordicom presents the results from the 2023 edition of the Swedish Media Barometer [Mediebarometern] at a webinar (in Swedish). The Media Barometer is an annual survey focusing on how the Swedish population uses media on an average day.
Hands on a laptop
News |

Updated data for MedieSverige 2023

MedieSverige 2023 is a report from Nordicom that consists of descriptions and data about the Swedish media landscape and its development. If you are looking for more recent numbers, there is now an update of the information on which the report’s charts and analyses are based.
A pile of newspapers.
New publication |

Reduced profitability for the media despite record high media usage

The Swedish media year of 2022 was influenced by a great public interest in receiving information from the media about the continued Covid-19 pandemic, Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, and the Swedish general election. During the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023, media companies were also affected by rising costs, decreasing advertising revenues, and a declining economy. This is shown by the report Medieekonomi 2023 [Media economy 2023].
Tobias Lindberg at Nordicom presents the Medie Barometer 2022
News |

Vacancy: Nordicom Seeks Analyst

Nordicom is looking for a new analyst to work on deepening the knowledge about the development of the media in Sweden and the Nordic region. The work also includes the Media Barometer, the largest independent survey of media use in the Swedish population.
The cover of the Swedish Media Barometer 2022 and photos of the speakers at the seminar.
The Media Barometer |

The Swedish Media Barometer 2022: Read the report and watch the seminar

The Swedish Media Barometer 2022 shows that the Swedish population’s media use during the last year stayed at the record-high levels measured in the pandemic years 2020 and 2021. Find the report and watch the seminar about the Swedish Media Barometer 2022 (in Swedish) here.