Submit an article to Nordicom Review for consideration
Nordicom Review invites you to submit articles that contribute to a wider understanding of media, mediated communication, and journalism in the Nordic region. Nordicom Review is an interdisciplinary journal and welcomes empirical and theoretical contributions from a worldwide authorship.

Instructions for authors: Format your article or chapter to meet Nordicom’s final manuscript delivery requirements
All articles, chapters, and monographs that are accepted for publication at Nordicom must meet the final manuscript delivery requirements. These requirements are applicable upon final manuscript delivery, that is, after all peer review and revisions have been carried out, and the manuscript has been officially accepted for publication.

Editor guides
We have prepared guides for anthology and special issue editors. These guides contain the information you will need to prepare yourself for your role and responsibilities in the process of editing an anthology or special issue.

Monograph author guide
Our monograph author guide contains the information you will need to best prepare your manuscript for submission to Nordicom, as well as preparing yourself for your role and responsibilities in the process of taking the manuscript from proposal to publication.

Promoting your publication
It is important that you, as author, engage in the promotion, as you know the issue and target audience best. We have prepared some ideas and strategies – along with successful examples – of various promotional activities you can engage in to increase the reach of your publication.