Category: Youth and media

The 3 covers to the 3 media reports
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New reports, new insights: How the pandemic changed the media day

During the pandemic, Swedes’ daily media usage time increased from six to seven hours per day. As for children and youth, their social media usage increased significantly. Three new Swedish reports reveal changes in media usage during 2020.
Recording studio with lecturer and moderator
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13 free webinars: Catch up on Nordic media

Did you miss out on an interesting webinar during 2020? Don’t worry, many of them are still available to watch. Below you will find 13 webinars focusing on media usage, media trends and journalism in the Nordic countries, all for free.
Omslag till rapporterna Barn og medier 2020 och Foreldre og medier 2020.
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Norway’s most extensive survey on young people’s media use

Over the year the Norwegian Media Authority has published nine separate reports with new data on various themes and aspects of young people’s media use. The complete results are now available in two reports.
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Swedish authorities guide how to make Internet a safer place for young people

Three Swedish authorities with responsibilities to protect children and youth and strengthen their rights recently published guidelines for online content creators. The purpose of the guide is to make the online environment aimed at young people more safe.
A man showing his cell phone to a child
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Watch media literacy webinars on NordMedia Network

In autumn 2020, Nordicom and the Swedish Media Council co-organized a series of webinars addressing media and information literacy (MIL) in the Nordic countries: Media Education in the Nordic Countries – Lessons Learned from the Neighbours. Now, the webinar lectures can be watched on each webinar's site on NordMedia Network. NordMedia Network is a digital platform for Nordic and Nordic-oriented media researchers run by Nordicom.
Young person looking at Snapchat
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Nordicom coordinates a forum for media literacy research

Nordicom will establish a new forum to identify and coordinate researchers in MIL – media and information literacy. The venture is part of the national MIL Sweden Network launched by the Swedish Media Council upon the commission of the Government in Sweden.
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Children’s opportunities and risks online surveyed

Since 2010, time spent daily online has almost doubled among children in many European countries. And for most children in Europe, the smartphone is the preferred means of going online, enabling “anywhere, anytime” connectivity. These results may not come as a great surprise to many. Considerable country differences may instead offer new insights. According to the EU Kids Online 2020 survey, more than half of the children use social networking sites on a weekly basis in most countries, whereas in other countries, four out of ten children never or hardly ever visit a social networking site.
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Norwegian children’s media use 2020

In Norway, 90 per cent of children between the ages of 9 and 18 use social media, according to a new report from the Norwegian Media Authority. Youtube is the most popular social media platform, followed by Snapchat, Tik Tok and Instagram. The report also shows that more than 40 per cent of teenagers between 13 and 18 years old have seen frightening or violent content online.
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Nordic children’s and young people’s cultural habits

The Nordic Agency for Cultural Policy has launched a research anthology, providing new insights into the leisure culture among Nordic children and youth. Digital media, smart phones, and online gaming are among the trends highlighted in the report.
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Norwegian children’s media use

In a recent newsletter, medianorway summarises some of the key trends in Norwegian children’s and young people’s media use – in a country which is among the world’s best digital performers.