The Norwegian parliament building, Stortinget.

Norwegian official reports on the media

On this page, you will find links to Norwegian official reports on media, digitalisation, democracy and freedom of expression. The compilation is updated once a year and includes reports from 1972 onwards.

The compilation below includes links to media-related reports from the series Norges offentlige utredninger (NOU) [Official Norwegian Reports], and White papers.

NOU reports are used as a basis for political proposals that the Norwegian government sends to the parliament, Stortinget. The reports are published by committees or working groups appointed by the government or one of the ministries.

White papers are documents that the government sends to Stortinget when they wish to present an issue that does not require a decision. White papers are often used as the basis for future political proposals that the government sends to Stortinget.

Download the compilation

Here you can download Nordicom’s compilation of Norwegian official reports on the media. The list includes links to all media-related NOU reports published between 1972 and 2022 and White papers published between 1996 and 2022. The reports are in Norwegian.

Find more NOU reports and White papers

You can find more NOU reports and White papers on the Norwegian government’s website.

Documents only published in print can be ordered from the Norwegian government’s website.

The legislative process in Norway

You can read more about the Norwegian legislative process on the websites of the Norwegian government and the Norwegian parliament, Stortinget.

Updated February 2023