Newspaper daily or weekly reach by age in the Nordic countries, –2020/2021
The data presented in this document are derived from different kind of surveys, which impairs comparability between countries and years.
In Denmark, data are based on two surveys from Kantar Gallup (Index Danmark/Gallup and Lokal Index Danmark/Gallup) and refer to weekly reading among the population 12 years and older. The data are processed by and presented by the Danish Ministry of Culture's Report on Media Development in Denmark.
In Finland, data come from MediaAuditFinland's National Readership Survey, conducted by Kantar TNS Oy among internet users aged 15 years and older. A shift in methods from 2019 onwards prevent comparability with previous years. Data in the table are derived from Statistics Finland's Mass media statistics table service.
In Norway and Sweden, data come from the national Media Barometer surveys, conducted by Statistics Norway and Nordicom, respectively. Until 2018, the two national Media Barometer surveys are based on similar surveys – i.e., telephone interviews with a random sample of the population between 9 and 79 years old – and have a high degree of comparability. As of 2019, the Swedish Media Barometer survey is conducted both online and by telephone (mixed mode), which affects the comparability between Norway and Sweden. For Sweden, this also means that data from 2019 onwards are not comparable with previous years.