Nordicom Information 24 (2-3) 2002

Specialutgåva: 15:e Nordiska Konferensen för Medie- och Kommunikationsforskning

Ulla Carlsson



Ulla Carlsson

Islands president Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson

New Media, New Options, New Communities? Towards A Convergent Media and ICT Research
Kirsten Drotner

New Generations – New Media
Ellen Wartella

A Swedish Perspective on Media Access and Use
Ulla Johnsson-Smaragdi

‘More Research Needs To Be Done’. Problems and Perspectives in Research on Children’s Use of Interactive Media
Gitte Stald

New Generations – New Media. Some Thoughts and Reflections
Anita Werner

Scandinavian Media Histories. A Comparative Study. Institutions, Genres and Culture in a National and Global Perspective
Ib Bondebjerg

The Challenges of Media History
Hans Fredrik Dahl

The Logic and Practice of Writing Journalism History. Some Thoughts on the Future of Research on Media History
Monika Djerf-Pierre

From Media History to Communication History. Three Comparative Perspectives on the Study of Culture
Klaus Bruhn Jensen

Media History Becomes Communication History – Or Cultural History?
Raimo Salokangas


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