Swedish official reports on the media
On this page, you will find links to Swedish official reports on media, digitalisation, democracy and freedom of expression. The compilation is updated once a year and includes reports from 1924 onwards.
The reports included in the compilation below are from the series Statens offentliga utredningar (SOU) [Swedish Government Official Reports]. SOU reports are written by a special investigator or committee appointed by the government to investigate a certain issue before a new bill is presented.
Find more legal documents
You can find more SOU reports and other legal documents from 2000 onwards on the Swedish government’s website.
SOU reports published between 1922 and 1999 have been digitised by the National Library of Sweden and are available as PDF files in the Regina database.
The legislative process in Sweden
You can read more about the Swedish legislative process on the websites of the Swedish government and the Swedish parliament, the Riksdag.
Updated January 2024