Danish official reports on the media
The links in the compilation lead to the different types of documents listed below and other reports from committees and working groups appointed by the government.
- Kommissionsbetænkninger [commission reports] are reports written by an expert group before the government presents a bill.
- Regeringsudspil [government proposals] are proposals presented by the government in, for example, negotiations and debates.
- Politiske aftaler [political agreements] are texts describing initiatives that different political parties have agreed on.
- Hvidbøger [white papers] are in-depth reports published by the government or another public authority, with the purpose of informing the parliament or the public about a specific subject or issue.
Download the compilation
Here, you can download Nordicom’s compilation of Danish official reports on the media. The list includes links to media-related reports and other documents published between 2000 and 2022. The reports are in Danish.
Find more official documents
In the Royal Danish Library database, and on the website of the Danish Administrative Library, you can find more official reports and other documents.
On the Danish government’s website, you can find a complete list of government publications and Agreements.
On the website of the Danish Ministry of Culture, you can find media Agreements and other publications from the Ministry.
On the website of the Danish Film Institute, you can find all Danish film Agreements.
The legislative process in Denmark
You can read more about the Danish legislative process on the website of the Danish parliament, Folketinget.
Updated February 2023