Becoming A Journalist
Journalism Education in the Nordic Countries
“This edited volume addresses journalism education as a central component of journalistic professionalization, making it necessary to understand what is a crucial period in most future journalists’ lives. Nowadays, journalism scholars are realizing the need for more sustained, in-depth and critical studies of why students embark on such degrees, how they develop their professional views and practices at universities, how the educational curricula of journalism programs match the needs of the labor market, and also, what the news industry thinks about journalism courses and their graduates. This volume addresses all of these important questions in-depth, with admirable attention to different elements that may explain all these issues.
The comparative perspective of looking at the Nordic countries breaks new ground considering the paucity of comparative studies on journalism education in specific media systems. The authors that take part of this book employ an array of quantitative and qualitative approaches to study the field of journalism education, providing a rich account that, no doubt, will be essential reading for students, researchers, the media industry, policy-makers and all people interested in journalism education and professionalization.”
Folker Hanusch, University of Vienna, Austria
Claudia Mellado, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso, Chile
Principal investigators, Journalism students across the globe
I. A Nordic Model
1. Introduction: The Nordic Model of Journalism Education
Jan Fredrik Hovden, Gunnar Nygren, Henrika Zilliacus-Tikkanen
2. Educating Journalists: The Who, When, How, and Why of Early Journalism Programmes in the Nordic Countries
Elin Gardeström
3. “We All Think the Same”: Internships, Craft and Conservation
Ida Willig
4. New Times, New Journalists? Nordic Journalism Students Entering an Age of Uncertainity
Jan Fredrik Hovden, Rune Ottosen
II. Professional (Re)orientations
5. Journalism Education and the Profession: Socialisation, Traditions and Change
Gunnar Nygren
6. Perfect Profession: Swedish Journalism Students, Their Teachers, and Educational Goals
Gunilla Hultén, Antonia Wiklund
7. From Politics on Print to Online Entertainment? Ideals and Aspirations of Danish Journalism Students 2005–2012
Jannie Møller Hartley, Maria Bendix Olsen
8. Finnish Journalism Students: Stable Professional Ideals and Growing Critique of Practice
Henrika Zilliacus-Tikkanen, Jaana Hujanen, Maarit Jaakkola
9. The Media Use of Future Journalists and How it Changes During Journalism Education
Ulrika Andersson
10. More Mobile, More Flexible: Students’ Device Ownership and Cross-Media News Consumption, and Their Pedagogical Implications
Erik Eliasson, Maarit Jaakkola
III. Meeting the Challenges
11. The Gap: J-School Syllabus Meets the Market
Arne H. Krumsvik
12. Women Train In – and Out of – Journalism
Hege Lamark
13. Burdens of Representation: Recruitment and Attitudes towards Journalism among Journalism Students with Ethnic Minority Backgrounds
Gunn Bjørnsen, Anders Graver Knudsen
14. Tackling Global Learning in Nordic Journalism Education: The Lasting Impact of a Field Trip
Terje Skjerdal, Hans-Olav Hodøl
15. Dialogues and Difficulties: Transnational Cooperation in Journalism Education
Kristin Skare Orgeret
16. Becoming Journalists: From Engaged to Balanced or from Balanced to Engaged?
Roy Krøvel
IV. Meeting the Field
17. Standardised News Providers or Creative Innovators? A New Generation of Journalists Entering the Business
Jenny Wiik
18. “Is This a Good News Story?” Developing Professional Competence in the Newsroom
Gitte Gravengaard, Lene Rimestad
19. Internal Practical Training as Teaching Method for Journalist Students
Hilde Kristin Dahlstrøm
20. Developing Journalism Skills through Informal Feedback Training
Astrid Gynnild
The Authors