Gendering War and Peace Reporting
Some Insights – Some Missing Links
War reporting has traditionally been a male activity. Elite sources like politicians, high ranking military officers and state officials are collectively still dominated by men, and it will take more than the presence of an increased number of female journalists to change this male hegemony. There is, though, no deterministic link between sex/gender and more peaceful news or a more peaceful world. This book offers analytic approaches to how traditional war journalism is gendered. Through different case studies, the book reveals how the framing of different femininities and masculinities affects the reporting and our understanding of war and conflicts.
Introduction: Approaches and Insights on Gendering War- and Peace Reporting
Berit von der Lippe, Rune Ottosen
I. Gendering Professional Agencies
1. Bodies at War: The Dangers Facing Women War Reporters
Linda Steiner
2. Gendered Narratives: On Peace, Security and News Media Accountability to Women
Sarah Macharia
3. Conflict Reporting in Nigeria: How Gender Balanced?
Lilian Ngusuur Unaegbu
4. Sexual Violence against Journalists in Conflict Zones: Gendered Practices and Cultures in the Newsroom
Marte Høiby
II. Women and Lack of Agency
5. “There Are No Women”: The War in Libya in TV News
Eva Boller
6. War and Women’s Voices: The Gender Approach of Afghanistan’s Largest News Agency
Elisabeth Eide
7. Being a Female Journalist at the Frontline: An Autoethnography
Desy Ayu Pirmasari
8. Good or Bad Agents? Western Fascination with Women and the Construction of Female Objects during the ISIS/ISIL Crisis
Marta Kollárová
III. Postcolonial Perspectives Forever?
9. Journalism Practice and Freedom of Expression: Challenges and Constraints in Pakistan
Sadia Jamil
10. Philanthrophic War: Narratives and Dangerous Protection Scenario(s)
Berit von der Lippe
11. Key Factors and Challenges to Understanding Women’s Roles in the Peace Process
Quhramaana Kakar
12. Is Peace a Smiling Woman? Femininities and Masculinities in Conflict and Peace Coverage
Kristin Skare Orgeret
IV. Masculinities, Heroes and Victims
13. Masculinity, Iconisation and Fictional War Heroes in the GWT
Rune Ottosen
14. Why War – Still? Albert Meets Sigmund in the Utimate Match-Up
Toby Miller
15. Subversive Victims? The (non)Reporting of Sexual Violence against Male Victims During the War in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Anette Bringedal Houge