The newsletter Nordic Media Policy reports on media policy developments in the Nordic countries and at the Nordic level. It presents new legislative proposals, parliamentary debates, and new media policy decisions and initiatives. The newsletter also draws attention to new reports and studies in the media field from the Nordic countries.
Nordic Media Policy is edited by Tobias Lindberg, researcher at Nordicom.
In this issue:
- New media laws in EU and Nordics
- Extended responsibility for Nordic media authorities with DSA
- Sweden gets new media authority
- Media literacy week in Iceland for second time
- Danish media subsidy scheme approved by Brussels
- New proposal regarding subsidies to Norwegian local media
- Greenlandic public service under severe strain, critics say
- Dailies call for shorter text articles in Swedish public service media
- Sharp no to state-funded media ombudsperson in Denmark
- Copyright laws to be modernised in Denmark and Sweden
- Swedish film policy to be updated
- New Norwegian strategy for computer games
- New reports and statistics from the Nordics
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