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Photo: Cecilie Ravik

New issue of the Nordic Media Trends newsletter

 | 21 April 2022
Welcome to a new issue of our Nordic newsletter. It provides you with new knowledge about media consumption, the media market and current media policy in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.

Some of the contents in this issue:

  • How does news media fulfil its democratic role worldwide? This is evaluated in a new book published by Nordicom.
  • During the pandemic in 2020, media consumption increased in the Nordics. What happened in 2021? Was the effect the same?
  • Global tech giants are taking an increasing share of the media's ad revenues, shows a new UNESCO report. And a Finnish report asks: Can the news media survive Silicon Valley's grip?
  • Media subsidies are on the political agenda in several countries. We link to new government proposals in Denmark and Norway. In addition, Nordicom’s database provides updated statistics on media support in the five Nordic countries.
  • The new digital media landscape affects the book industry. Read more in the theme section on the Nordic book market and reading habits.
  • The Nordic media authorities to develop a method for assessing media and information literacy (MIL) in the Nordic countries.
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